On computable functions

- Church said: A function is a rule of correspondence by which when anything is given (as argument) another thing (the value of the function for that argument) may be obtained.

- A computable function is a function that can be written as an algorithm and executed by a machine. This execution should terminates and produces a value.

- An intuitive computable functions are the set of functions that we know  in advance how many step the computation requires.
For instance; the average of 1-2-3 ... to N, requires exactly N additions and one division.
This kind of computable functions is commonly called : Primitive recursive functions.

- Primitive recursive functions is a subset of computable functions. A classic example of a computable function  that isn't Primitive recursive is the famous Ackerman function.

Wondering: functions / procedures are actions. An action holds temporal meaning (act in past, present future):
  • Present: Natural / sequential programming
  • Future: non deterministic / concurrent / asynchronous programming
  • Past: Versioning / memorization / history sourcing

See full classification of comutability here: Chomsky hierarchy

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