On programming

Machine Programming
  • step-by-step instructions
  • Imperative paradigm
  • Von Neumann-like languages.
  • Operational semantic (state-machine)
  • How the functions is evaluated 
  • Foundation:  Von Neumann architecture

Human-brain programing
  • Abstraction & declarative definitions
  • Functional paradigm (define types and functions)
  • Mathematical languages
  • Denotation semantic (which is a direct consequence of math adoption) 
  • define what is the function, regardless of how it will executed (pure-math function)
  •  Mathematical foundation:
    • Set theory: types are sets + functions are mapping between sets.
    • Category theory: types are objects + functions are arrows. Note that, alike a set, an object doesn't define the concept elements (membership). Note also, thus, two objects are differentiated using  there arrows.  

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