Mobile Design and Development - Brian Fling

Mobile medium type : a type of application framework or mobile technology that presents content or information to the user. The choice of a type is determined by the impact it will have on the user experience.

>> Mobile application type 1: SMS
Typically, the user sends a single keyword to a five-digit short code in order to return information or a link to premium content.
The most common uses of SMS applications are mobile content, such ringtones and
images, and to interact with actual goods and services.
• Work on any mobile device nearly instantaneously.
• Useful for sending timely alerts to the user.
• Can be incorporated into any web or mobile application.
• Can be simple to set up and manage.
• Limited to 160 characters.
• Provide a limited text-based experience.
• Can be very expensive  (premium SMS).

>> Mobile application type 2: Mobile website
It is a website designed specifically for mobile devices. Mobile websites are characterized by their simple “drill-down” architecture and their informational nature, offering few interactive elements you might expect from a desktop site.
• Easy to create, maintain, and publish.
• Can use the same tools and techniques you might already use for desktop sites.
• Nearly all mobile devices can view mobile websites.
• Can be difficult to support across multiple devices (browsers).
• Offer users a limited experience.
• Most mobile websites are simply desktop content reformatted for mobile devices.
• Can load pages slowly, due to network latency.

>> Mobile application type 3: Mobile webapplication
A Web 2.0 succesor of old mobile website on which the drill-down or page metaphors (ie: a click equals a refresh of the content in view) is not used.
Web applications allow users to interact with content in real time, where a click or touch performs an action within the current view.
• Easy to create, using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge.
• Simple to deploy across multiple handsets.
• Offer a better user experience and a rich design
• Content is accessible on any mobile web browser.
• The optimal experience might not be available on all handsets.
• Can be challenging (but not impossible) to support across multiple devices.
• Don’t always support native application features, like offline mode, location
lookup, filesystem access, camera, and so on

>> Mobile application type 4: Mobile native application
Have to be developed and compiled for each mobile platform.
• Offer a rich design and tapping into device features and offline use.
• Relatively simple to develop for a single platform.
• Cannot be easily ported to other mobile platforms.
• Developing, testing, and supporting multiple device platforms is incredibly costly.
• Require certification and distribution from a third party that you have no control over.
• They require you to share revenue with the one or more third parties.

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