
- Hashed data structure <==> Searching means.
- How to compute a Set (of elements)?!
- hashcodes define a congruence relation on data-structure elements.
- Communism as a political extension of socialism (economic system)
- Economics: manage money + Politics: manage people and control their behaviour
- Recursion: As a tool to transform a complex system to something more basic (Divide and conquer)
- Sentence = Subject + Predicate. (ie: Information = Argument + Function) (ie: Result = Candidat  + Test).
- Predicate = Verb  + Objects (direct, indirect, prepositional)
- A Subject is an observer and an Object is a thing observed.
- Object Ontology; Substance theory (idealism -Aristote- ), Bundle theory (empiricism -Hume-)
- Heap: collection of things. Stack: collection of things neatly arranged. ie: in java memory model, there is a heap for each process (main), and stack for each thread. There is also a "Stack frame", for each method call.
- In theory of computation, there are several models of computing:
      -- Finite automata are good models for devices that have a small amount of memory.
      -- Pushdown automata (NFA with stack) are good models for devices that have an unlimited memory that is usable only in the last in, first out manner of a stack.
   -- Turing machine : general-purpose computing, with an  unlimited and unrestricted memory

- Rebasing:
Direct meaning = change the base of something.
In Version control= The base of  a branch is its commits. Rebasing means modify, reorder, or batch up  these commits.

- Puppet structure:
  • Module: self-contained bundle of classes and defines.
    • Manifests: Module definition (what?), contains classes.
      • Classes: classify by applicative components
        • Defines: blocks of Puppet code (maybe the primitive structure)

JNDI: resource-location abstraction /  location transparency. An api to lookup (i.e naming service), or search -criteria-based - (directory service)  objects. Possible SPI: RMI, DNS, LDAP

Microservices (vs distributed services)
Devops (vs organizational theory ) (in technical perspective :  unix/linux. In organizational perspective: devops is a team topology aims to build very autonomous teams and, hence,  accelerate delivery)

While continuous delivery is focused on automating the processes in software delivery, DevOps also focuses on the organizational change to support great collaboration between the many functions involved.
Improved collaboration and communication both between and within organizational teams can help achieve faster time to market, with reduced risks

Agile (check B.Meyer book)
Natural language, Domain specific languages (vs mathematical language)

SDLC proposal: waterfall model, with all profiles on the same phase.
e.g: clients + Analysts + developers finishes all together to write requirements. Then, all together participate on  the overall architecture & design...and so on.
That said, programming / test /demo phase can be done iteratively.

the issue with agile (or xp): mix building a system with maintaining it. It seems to me that a waterfall model (described above) should be adopted for new System (with or no legacy). Maintaining the system could be done then on an agile/iterative approach.

On Symmetry

Different meaning over time:
  • Greeks: characteristic that exhibits unity and harmony of Objects & Forms using measurements (angle, distance ..)
  • Later: Same as Greek perspective but the symmetry is defined using "Invariant" instead of measurements. i.e. S is symmetric in respect of transformation T, if T keeps a property of S  invariant.
  • Generalization: arose following the algebraic concept of a group, and the fact that the symmetry operations of a figure were found to satisfy the conditions for forming a group.       e.g. a symmetry group induces a partition into equivalence classes. The elements that are exchanged with one another by the symmetry transformations of the figure are connected by an equivalence relation, thus forming an equivalence class.

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