
  • Video processing relies on image processing underneath.
  • The human retina is composed of  three kinds cells called cones:
    • Long wavelength, approximately red.
    • medium wavelength, approximately green
    • Short wavelength, approximately blue
  • Three quantities, therefore,  are enough to uniquely identify a color humans can see.

 Color models 

A color model is a mathematical way of describing colors. It is independent from physical devices. 
  • Linear models: (x, y, z ..) ==> discrete value
    • The red-green-blue (RGB) model
    • RGBA model: an extension of RGB with an alpha parameter, which specifies the opacity for a color. The alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque).
    • CMYK model (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black)
  • Spectral models 


 Color spaces

A color space is the method of mapping real colors to the color model's discrete value.
In a color model, the same discrete value, (x, y, z ..), identify a different-appearing (real) color in different color spaces.

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